> seGoriah : Temple of Echysia [nw,n,s,e].Corpse of Marcus the Squire.Two-handed sword.Bust of Happy.Altar.> wWhat?> saYou search around for a while but dont find anything.> eGoriah : Hall of Champions [w,s,sw].Bernladus Leonine is here.Bulletin board [ 29 notes ].Sign.> saYou look carefully at everything, but you find nothing.> Korn arrisves from the south.Queued command glance.> saGoriah : Champions' Treasury [n].Sign.After a while of intensive searching you find nothing.> nQueued command glance.> chhQueued command chh.> Goriah : Hall of Champions [w,s,sw].Bernladus Leonine is here.Bulletin board [ 29 notes ].Sign.There doesn't appear to be anyone of that name here.Noone here going by that name.Korn arrives from the southwest.chhQueued command chh.> Korn begins to cast a spell.KoRn chants: 'amri xeno haltem'.You feel invisible bonds surround you, stopping your every movement. *sniff*You are attacked by Korn.The mist arround Korn pulses breifly and he winces.You cannot cast spells while you are held. *sigh*You can't do that here and now.Korn's face contorts with rage as he growls.A storm of crimson energy errupts from beneath his feet.wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou are held and cannot attack!KoRn hits your armour with his Mace of Death.KoRn hits your armour with his Mace of Death.You cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> Korn begins to cast a spell.KoRn chants: syla gho kharn to.KoRn hits you in the chest with a flaming skull. *rude*glGoriah : Hall of Champions [w,s,sw].Korn and Bernladus Leonine are here.Bulletin board [ 29 notes ].Sign.> Hp: *05 Gp: *82wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> You are held and cannot attack!KoRn hits your armour with his Mace of Death.KoRn hits your armour with his Mace of Death.The mist arround Korn pulses breifly and he winces.wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wPhycomid protects Korn. *say what!....for little ole me?*You cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> Korn begins to cast a spell.wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> wYou cannot escape the mental bonds holding you.What?> You are held and cannot attack!KoRn hits your armour with his Mace of Death.KoRn hits your armour with his Mace of Death.KoRn chants: syla gho kharn to.KoRn hits you in the chest with a flaming skull. *again...RUDE*You can move again as the bonds holding you are destroyed.Hp: *53 Gp: *82wGoriah : Temple of Echysia [nw,n,s,e].Corpse of Marcus the Squire.Two-handed sword.Bust of Happy.Altar.***Marcus is too weak and well.....Bernladus will just let ANYONE ole body in I guess :( *** |