You point at Bazooka.> You charge at Bazooka, bellowing an ancient war cry!Bazooka lowers his weapons and attacks you in a blind rage!Bazooka misses you.Bazooka misses you.Bazooka misses you.Bazooka misses you.Bazooka misses you.Bazooka reaches out and crushes your arm for 15 HPs damage.Bazooka misses you.Bazooka misses you.Bazooka misses you.Bazooka leaves east.HP: 226 GP: 151Your target ran away too fast!Bazooka arrives from the east.Bazooka follows you.You hit Bazooka's armour with no effect.Bazooka misses you.lose bazookaYou lose Bazooka.> eastSouth road [n,s,w].> You are hunting BazookaBazooka arrives from the west.c BazookaYou are still recovering from your last charge!> Bazooka follows you.Bazooka lowers his weapons and goes pale.Bazooka falls over unconcious!You hit Bazooka's armour with no effect.Bazooka twists your leg for 23 HPs damage.HP: 204 GP: 152c BazookaYou are still recovering from your last charge!> You hit Bazooka's armour with no effect.glanceYou shriek in agony as Bazooka forcefully grabs your throat for 24 HPs damage.Bazooka rages against his opponents.HP: 180 GP: 152South road [n,s,w].Bazooka is here.> c BazookaYou are still recovering from your last charge!> glanceYou hit Bazooka's armour with no effect.Bazooka misses you.Bazooka rages against his opponents.South road [n,s,w].Bazooka is here.> c BazookaYou hit Bazooka's armour with no effect.Bazooka misses you.Bazooka rages against his opponents.You point at Bazooka.> northQueued command glance.eastNorth follow you.> Queued command east.> Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s].Riverton : Pine Road [e,w].Woman is here.You charge at Bazooka, bellowing an ancient war cry!You are hunting BazookaWoman leaves west.You crash into Bazooka and decimate him with a mighty blow from your Berserker's Battle Axe!glanceYou deliver some unarmed blows as you withdraw from close quarters.You miss Bazooka.You miss Bazooka.You miss Bazooka.You miss Bazooka.You miss Bazooka.You stop hunting Bazooka.You dealt the death blow to Bazooka.Riverton : Pine Road [e,w].> westRiverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s].Woman is here.> southSouth road [n,s,w].Ghost of Bazooka is here.Corpse of Bazooka.> Bazooka claps his hands briefly.shout DIE!!You yell: DIE!!> It has stopped hailing and started snowing.You get a little wet.l corpsesThis is the dead body of Bazooka.Carrying: Crystal Pendulum. Ring of the Wolf. Jeweled Ring. Silken Trousers. Leather Belt. Silver Chakram. Heavy pack. Mirrored Amulet. Large royal robe. Great helm. Silken Shirt. Golden platemail. Red Loin Cloth. Silver Boots. Amulet. Ring.Its purse is tinkling with coins. |