Outcast Phycomids : Cave of Decay [n,e,s]. Azekiel, Two shambling mounds and Two sickly phycomids are here. > follow azekiel
shambling mound misses Azekiel Arvandor.
shambling mound misses Azekiel Arvandor.
sickly phycomid misses Azekiel Arvandor.
sickly phycomid misses Azekiel Arvandor. Hp: 496 Gp: 161 tackle azekiel You follow Azekiel Arvandor. > You lower your shoulder and rush toward Azekiel > Azekiel shrieks in pain as Halen viciously stabs a Ashanderei in his back!
Azekiel shifts groggily. You hurtle toward Azekiel bracing for the oncoming impact! You slam into Azekiel sending him crashing into the ground! infect azekiel You are not calm enough. > shambling mound misses Azekiel Arvandor.
shambling mound misses Azekiel Arvandor.
sickly phycomid misses Azekiel Arvandor.
sickly phycomid misses Azekiel Arvandor. infect azekiel Your target is already infected in some way. > You notice Halen nearby.
Halen begins to cast a spell.
4 flaming balls of molten rock suddenly appear in the air.
Azekiel shifts groggily. glance Outcast Phycomids : Cave of Decay [n,e,s]. Halen, Azekiel, Two shambling mounds and Two sickly phycomids are here. > carve azekiel You are not calm enough. > Halen spins the Ashanderei into Azekiel!
Halen Wolf chants: omin cron moren tan maach.
Halen Wolf gestures and meteors fall in a rain of death and destruction.
Azekiel Arvandor disappears in the explosion of a falling meteor!
shambling mound misses Azekiel Arvandor.
shambling mound misses Azekiel Arvandor.
sickly phycomid misses Azekiel Arvandor.
sickly phycomid misses Azekiel Arvandor.
Halen begins to cast a spell. You are attacked by Azekiel.
Azekiel shifts groggily. You hit Azekiel with your Superior Xyn Claw, doing 35 HPs damage. You hit Azekiel Arvandor's armour with no effect. You k Azekiel hit Azekiel with your Superior Xyn Claw, doing 29 HPs damage. You hit Azekiel with your Superior Xyn Claw, doing 33 HPs damage. Ok. Fight with azekiel starts. > Halen slashes the air near Azekiel.
4 flaming balls of molten rock suddenly appear in the air.
shambling mound misses Azekiel Arvandor.
shambling mound misses Azekiel Arvandor.
sickly phycomid misses Azekiel Arvandor.
sickly phycomid misses Azekiel Arvandor. carve azekiel You grip your Superior Xyn Claw with fierce determination and swing it at Azekiel with all your might! You hit Azekiel with your Superior Xyn Claw, doing 97 HPs damage. > Azekiel shifts groggily. You hit Azekiel with your Superior Xyn Claw, doing 36 HPs damage. You hit Azekiel with your Superior Xyn Claw, doing 38 HPs damage. You hit Azekiel with your Superior Xyn Claw, doing 27 HPs damage. You hit Azekiel with your Superior Xyn Claw, doing 31 HPs damage. You dealt the death blow to Azekiel Arvandor.
Azekiel Arvandor dies, and his weapons eerily fall from his limp hands and drop to the floor. Hp: 496 Gp: 150 glance
Halen Wolf chants: omin cron moren tan maach.
Halen Wolf gestures and meteors fall in a rain of death and destruction.
Azekiel Arvandor disappears in the explosion of a falling meteor! Outcast Phycomids : Cave of Decay [n,e,s]. Halen, Ghost of Azekiel, Two shambling mounds and Two sickly phycomids are here. Corpse of Azekiel. Two Swords of the Captain. > l corpses This is the dead body of Azekiel. Carrying: Crystal Pendulum. A large gold crown. Dawning Sun Pendant. Ring of Tranquility. Ring of Fean. Molten Gauntlets. Jeweled Ring. Cloak of the Beaten Monkey. Blue Chain Shirt. Silver Chakram. Carapace. Rusty Key. Hand of the Black Knight. Map of Shattered Realms. Coin of luck. Dice. Three Torches. Tool Belt. Ring of Seklah. Demonic Platemail. > Halen yells: DIE!!!
> ta You get Demonic Platemail, Ring of Seklah, Tool Belt, three torches, dice, Coin of luck, Map of Shattered Realms, Hand of the Black Knight, Rusty Key, Carapace, Silver Chakram, Blue Chain Shirt, Cloak of the Beaten Monkey, Jeweled Ring, Molten Gauntlets, Ring of Fean, Ring of Tranquility, Dawning Sun Pendant, a large gold crown and Crystal Pendulum from the corpse of Azekiel. > shh You are still struggling with your load. > You reach up and high five with Halen. shh You shout: In the power of Drathan > glance Outcast Phycomids : Cave of Decay [n,e,s]. Halen, Ghost of Azekiel, Two shambling mounds and Two sickly phycomids are here. Corpse of Azekiel. Two Swords of the Captain. > Hp: 496 Gp: 151
Halen shouts: In the power of Drathan