You are now pking Dvynym. You are attacked by Dvynym. Dvynym begins to cast a spell.
Dvynym thoroughly examinesMorsmordre and begins to cast. A glowing bolt of energy slams into you. e Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > e e
Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > You are hunting Dvynym. You scream in agony as your flesh drips burning from your shriveling body. Hp: 285 Gp: 235 Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > Hp: 286 Gp: 236 e Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > You scream in agony as your flesh drips burning from your shriveling body. Hp: 242 Gp: 236 h You try to hide in the shadows. > Hp: 242 Gp: 235 h You can't do that here and now. > You scream in agony as your flesh drips burning from your shriveling body. Hp: 202 Gp: 235 h You try to hide in the shadows. > Hp: 202 Gp: 234 You scream in agony as your flesh drips burning from your shriveling body. Hp: 162 Gp: 234 You scream in agony as your flesh drips burning from your shriveling body. Hp: 123 Gp: 235 Hp: 124 Gp: 236 m w Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > m w
Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > m w
Hp: 124 Gp: 234 Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > m w
Hp: 124 Gp: 233 Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > m w
Hp: 124 Gp: 232 Xandale Mountain : Trail [d,e]. Dvynym is here. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > Dvynym searches around the room a bit. You have been noticed. save Saving... > Hp: 124 Gp: 231 Dvynym begins to cast a spell. Dvynym searches around the room a bit. m w Helps if you sneak in a direction that exists. > e
Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > Hp: 125 Gp: 232 A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. Hp: 74 Gp: 232 e Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > e
Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > e ..............................I Went to a Pub to Eat here lots of directions Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > You get wet. e Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > e
Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,nw]. > eYou sneak west. > m w
Xandale Mountain : Trail [d,e]. Dvynym is here. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > x t
You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You have been noticed. Dvynym hits your armour with his Glowing Staff. Hp: 360 Gp: 233 You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 10 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You spin your blades and slice into Dvynym! You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 13 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 17 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 13 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 15 HPs damage. > Hp: 360 Gp: 227 You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 12 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 9 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. Dvynym begins to cast a spell. e Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > You are hunting Dvynym.
Dvynym arrives from the west. e You spin your blades and slice into Dvynym! You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 15 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 14 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 14 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 17 HPs damage.
Dvynym winces, and loses concentration ! Hp: 360 Gp: 222 You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > w
Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Dvynym is here. Harpy Nest. > x t
Dvynym leaves east. Noone here going by that name. > e
Queued command "glance". > x t
Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Dvynym is here. Harpy Nest. Hp: 360 Gp: 221 You spin your blades and slice into Dvynym! You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 15 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 13 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 12 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. > Dvynym begins to cast a spell. Dvynym chants: Spraius Colourus. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands. A shimmering ray of power shoots out from Dvynym's hands.
Dvynym leaves west. Hp: 309 Gp: 215 You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 9 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. e Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. > h
You try to hide in the shadows. > Hp: 310 Gp: 215 m w Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > Hp: 310 Gp: 214 m w Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > m w
Hp: 310 Gp: 213 Xandale Mountain : Trail [d,e]. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > m w
Hp: 311 Gp: 213 Helps if you sneak in a direction that exists. > m d
Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,u]. Stricken Harpy, Diseased Harpy and Gnarled Harpy are here. Harpy Nest. You sneak down. > m w
Hp: 311 Gp: 212 Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Sickly Harpy, Stricken Harpy and Two Harpies are here. You sneak west. > Hp: 311 Gp: 211 m w Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Two Harpies and Two Harpies are here. You sneak west. > Hp: 311 Gp: 210 m w Xandale Mountain : Trail [d,e]. Two Harpies, Sickly Harpy and Gnarled Harpy are here. You sneak west. > Hp: 311 Gp: 209 m d Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,u]. Stricken Harpy, Crooked Harpy and Sickly Harpy are here. Harpy Nest. You sneak down. > Hp: 312 Gp: 209 m w Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Two Harpies are here. Harpy Nest. You sneak west. > m w
Hp: 312 Gp: 208 Xandale Mountain : Trail [e,sw]. Sickly Harpy, Gnarled Harpy, Stricken Harpy and Crooked Harpy are here. You sneak west. > m sw
Hp: 312 Gp: 207 Xandale Mountain : Trail [ne,e]. Two Harpies are here. You sneak southwest. > m e
Hp: 312 Gp: 206 It has stopped raining. Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,e]. Diseased Harpy, Two Harpies and Two Harpies are here. You sneak east. > m e
Xandale Mountain : Trail [w,d]. Gnarled Harpy, Sickly Harpy and Three Harpies are here. You sneak east. > Hp: 312 Gp: 204 m d Xandale Mountain : Trail [u,e]. Sickly Harpy, Gnarled Harpy, Stricken Harpy and Two Harpies are here. You sneak down. > Hp: 312 Gp: 203 ooc where you run to Hp: 313 Gp: 204 Morsmordre [Ooc]: where you run to > Hp: 314 Gp: 205 Dvynym [Ooc]: search :P l Xandale Mountain : Trail
There are nests of the harpies around here everywhere. The nests with eggs in them are more often than not heavily guarded by atleast onee path crunch under your feet as you walk. The wind blows a cold gust in your face as you slowly work your way towards the top of the mountain.
A slightly chilly winter day with light cloud cover. There are two obvious exits : up and east. Sickly Harpy, Gnarled Harpy, Stricken Harpy and Two Harpies are here. > Hp: 315 Gp: 206 ooc nope save who Morsmordre [Ooc]: nope >
Garflunde : Hills [n,e,s]. > e
Garflunde : Hills [n,w,e,s]. Squirrel is here. > e
Garflunde : Hills [n,w,e,s,tower]. Three Beetles and Badger are here. > tower
Grey Tower : Ground Floor [u,out,d]. Radlenth is here. > u
Radlenth says: You are not a member. > h
You try to hide in the shadows. > Hp: 354 Gp: 209 l m Radlenth
Standing before you is Radlenth, the guard of the Renegade Wizard's Tower. He stands here to protect this tower. Radlenth has seen his share of battle and has been known to defeat some of the oldest and most powerful creatures in the realms alone. After seeing and doing all that he as seen, he has chosen to stand guard for the renegades.
He is in excellent condition. Wielding: A bastard sword. Holding : A large shield. Wearing : A full platemail and a great helm.
> Hp: 355 Gp: 210 You dry up. x m You spin your blades and slice into Radlenth! You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 17 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 20 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 19 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth's armour with no effect. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 20 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 19 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 20 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 40 HPs damage. You have been noticed. > With a look of grim determination, Radlenth swings his bastard sword at you! The Radlenth hits you with his bastard sword, doing 79 HPs damage. You are attacked by the Radlenth. Hp: 276 Gp: 204 You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 10 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 8 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth's armour with no effect. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 8 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 10 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth's armour with no effect. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 24 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 9 HPs damage. You spin your blades and slice into Radlenth! You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 19 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 19 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 17 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 18 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 20 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 19 HPs damage. The Radlenth hits you with his bastard sword, doing 7 HPs damage. disarm m Hp: 269 Gp: 198 You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 9 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 7 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 10 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth's armour with no effect. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 13 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 12 HPs damage. You fail to strike Radlenth's bastard sword to the ground. > x m
You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 10 HPs damage. You hit the Radlenth's armour with no effect. Radlenth starts running straight toward you! Hp: 269 Gp: 188 You hit the Radlenth with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 10 HPs damage. You dealt the death blow to Radlenth. The Radlenth dies, and his weapons eerily fall from his limp hands, dropping to the floor. Noone here going by that name. > Hp: 269 Gp: 187 look
Grey Tower : Ground Floor
This is the entrance to the Grey Tower. Bookshelves line the walls, and a plush grey carpet covers the floor. Unlike the rest of Garflunde, there appears to be an abundance of magical decoration here. You can see a flight of spiral stairs leading up to the next floor. A large oak door appears to be the exit from the tower. It does not appear that the first floor is freqented by the student body much.
There are three obvious exits : up, out and down. Corpse of Radlenth. Large shield. Bastard sword. > sc
Hp: 270 Gp: 188 Hp: 270(360) Gp: 188(240) Xp: 348296(26%) Socp: 68 > save
Saving... > b
You bury the corpses deep within the earth. Nothing to get. > u
Grey Tower : Renegade Wizards [d,e]. Dalis is here. Bulletin board [ 6 notes (6 unread)]. Sign. > e
Council Room [n,w,s,u]. Platinum sign. > u
Renegade Vault [e,w,d]. Sign. > e
Renegade Lords Vault [w]. Sign. > w
Renegade Vault [e,w,d]. Sign. > list
There are 12 items stored in this vault:
Black Belt. Grey Chainmail. Ring of Balzaar. Great helm. Bastard sword. Full platemail. Two Pairs of Silken Trousers. Two Silken Shirts. Two Cloaks of the Beaten Monkey.
Max amount: 30000 Current amount: 3587
> w
Renegade Newbie Vault [e]. Dvynym is here..........<-----ahha trying to idle back hps in the guild huh! Sign. > list
There are 45 items stored in this vault:
Red Shirt. Two Daggers. Three Gloves. Three Blue Trousers. Blue Shirt. Two Green Shirts. Three Black Belts. Two Cloaks. Sapphire Gauntlets. Ring of Balzaar. Silver Chakram. Mithril-Ringed Full Platemail. Shroud of Night. Two Bloody Gloves. Studded leather. Two Large shields. Five Bastard swords. Two Silken Shirts. Two Pairs of Silken Trousers. Crystal Pendulum. Black Buckler. Plated Leather. Two Full platemails. Two Great helms. Two Rings of Tranquility.
Max amount: 30000 Current amount: 10666
> You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 13 HPs damage. Dvynym hits your armour with his Glowing Staff. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. e Renegade Vault [e,w,d]. Sign. > Hp: 271 Gp: 189
Dvynym arrives from the west. d Council Room [n,w,s,u]. Platinum sign. > You are hunting Dvynym. w Grey Tower : Renegade Wizards [d,e]. Dalis is here. Bulletin board [ 6 notes (6 unread)]. Sign. > d
Grey Tower : Ground Floor [u,out,d]. Large shield. Bastard sword. > h
You try to hide in the shadows. > Hp: 271 Gp: 188 Hp: 272 Gp: 189 ooc yeah i found you hidding in guild like a chicken Morsmordre [Ooc]: yeah i found you hidding in guild like a chicken > save a
Saving... > / < _ )(______________________________________________ ______________________________________________> _ |_|NNNNN<()>_____________________________________________> <_____________________________________________< >ZZZZZZZ(_) )( SHATTERED REALMS >/ / </ CEST: Mon Sep 19 01:10:45 2005 Uptime: 4 hours ------------------------------------------------------] Players [------------------------------------------------------ Drake Darkblade the Male Drow Dvynym the Male Drow Goth the Female Drow, Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge Mixan Go'Ren the Male Drow, Necromancer of The Underdark, Arch Mage of The Horde Morsmordre the Male Half-elf ----------------------------------> There are five players on Shattered Realms Mud <---------------------------------- > sc
Hp: 273 Gp: 190 Dvynym [Ooc]: cok cok Hp: 273(360) Gp: 190(240) Xp: 348296(26%) Socp: 68 > save
Saving... > look save
Grey Tower : Ground Floor
This is the entrance to the Grey Tower. Bookshelves line the walls, and a plush grey carpet covers the floor. Unlike the rest of Garflunde, there appears to be an abundance of magical decoration here. You can see a flight of spiral stairs leading up to the next floor. A large oak door appears to be the exit from the tower. It does not appear that the first floor is freqented by the student body much.
There are three obvious exits : up, out and down. Large shield. Bastard sword. > Saving... > h
You try to hide in the shadows. > m u
Hp: 273 Gp: 189 You can't do that here and now. > Hp: 274 Gp: 190 m u Grey Tower : Renegade Wizards [d,e]. Dalis is here. Bulletin board [ 6 notes (6 unread)]. Sign. You sneak up. > Hp: 274 Gp: 189 m e Council Room [n,w,s,u]. Dvynym is here. Platinum sign. You sneak east. > Hp: 274 Gp: 188
Dvynym leaves west. m w Grey Tower : Renegade Wizards [d,e]. Dvynym and Dalis are here. Bulletin board [ 6 notes (6 unread)]. Sign. You sneak west. > Dvynym leaves down. Hp: 274 Gp: 187 Hp: 275 Gp: 188 m d Grey Tower : Ground Floor [u,out,d]. Dvynym is here. Large shield. Bastard sword. You sneak down. > You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. A bolt of energy leaps from your Ring of Balzaar and strikes Dvynym for 7 HPs damage. You have been noticed. Dvynym hits your armour with his Glowing Staff. Hp: 275 Gp: 187 You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect. Dvynym begins to cast a spell. A bolt of energy leaps from your Ring of Balzaar and strikes Dvynym for 5 HPs damage.
Dvynym thoroughly examinesMorsmordre and begins to cast. look
Grey Tower : Ground Floor
This is the entrance to the Grey Tower. Bookshelves line the walls, and a plush grey carpet covers the floor. Unlike the rest of Garflunde, there appears to be an abundance of magical decoration here. You can see a flight of spiral stairs leading up to the next floor. A large oak door appears to be the exit from the tower. It does not appear that the first floor is freqented by the student body much.
There are three obvious exits : up, out and down. Dvynym is here. Large shield. Bastard sword. > You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 10 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 10 HPs damage. Dvynym hits your armour with his Glowing Staff. You hit Dvynym with your Haslin's two-bladed broad sword, doing 11 HPs damage. You hit Dvynym's armour with no effect.
Dvynym's bolt of balefire careens around randomly before slamming back into he. out Dvynym begins to cast a spell. Garflunde : Hills [n,w,e,s,tower]. Squirrel and Centipede are here. > s
You are hunting Dvynym. Hp: 276 Gp: 188 You stop hunting Dvynym. You are no longer pking Ghost of Dvynym. Garflunde : Hills [n,w,e]. Centipede is here. > who
/ < _ )(______________________________________________ ______________________________________________> _ |_|NNNNN<()>_____________________________________________> <_____________________________________________< >ZZZZZZZ(_) )( SHATTERED REALMS >/ / </ CEST: Mon Sep 19 01:11:39 2005 Uptime: 4 hours ------------------------------------------------------] Players [------------------------------------------------------ Drake Darkblade the Male Drow Ghost of Dvynym the Male Drow Goth the Female Drow, Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge Mixan Go'Ren the Male Drow, Necromancer of The Underdark, Arch Mage of The Horde Morsmordre the Male Half-elf ----------------------------------> There are five players on Shattered Realms Mud <---------------------------------- > n
Garflunde : Hills [n,w,e,s,tower]. Two Beetles are here. > Hp: 277 Gp: 189 Dvynym [Ooc]: good gamed tower Grey Tower : Ground Floor [u,out,d]. Ghost of Dvynym is here. Corpse of Dvynym. Glowing Staff. Large shield. Bastard sword. > l corpse
This is the dead body of Dvynym. Carrying: Silken Trousers. Diamond Ring. Black Buckler. Dawning Sun Pendant. Silken Shirt. Silver Chakram. SKull Mask. Jeweled Ring. Kender Medallion. Little Golden Ring. Crystal Pendulum. Ring of Balzaar. Ring of Fean. Ring of Tranquility. Silver Boots. Purple Belt. Molten Gauntlets. Cloak of the Beaten Monkey.
Its purse is home to only moths! > Hp: 278 Gp: 190