If you people would think about things instead of being pk happy ass ramming faggots you would know that you keep killing these ppl day after day and act like asses all the time ppl are not gonna wanna play sr anymore i know for fact i didn't wanna play anymore after goth and draifeth started playing because only thing they do is pk and raid everything and kill people in sigs but you immortals and whoever runs sr run it the way you want no wonder it is a failing mud anymore because most of the players have quit because of stupid people like goth and draifeth, i first thought sr was fun but in my opinion getting jumped 2 on 1 and being killed because of overpowered stun spells and shit is right and being killed in guilds and sigs but like i said earlier you immortals run sr the way you want cause i promise you will never have more than 7-10 players on at one time if that cause sr is no fun anymore i know for fact those same two have ran off about 5 or 6 players or made them stop playing and you immortals should really look into taking ALL guilds damage down for everything slice,spells,everything that is overpowered but thats my opinion don't take any advice but whatever you all have fun on a failure mud