xxx tells you: saw zewen at his clan.
Riverton : Mandrin Lane [e,w]. Cat is here. Avatar of Storm follows you. > tar zewen Changed nickname x from lily,timmy to zewen. > Cat leaves east. w Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Merchant and Woman are here. Avatar of Storm follows you. > w Clan Took : Entrance Way [e,w]. Zewen, Timmy and Lily are here. Avatar of Storm follows you. > ss You search around for a while but dont find anything. > Timmy exclaims: Grr tImmY blah BLah Blah Timmy!
> ho x You begin to cast Hold Person. You chant: arcana vilea makinu to. You wrap zewen in bonds of invisible force.
You are attacked by Zewen. > fl x zewen struggles against invisible bonds.
Lily says: Timmy, you are a dork. You hit Zewen's armour with no effect. You hit Zewen's armour with no effect. zewen struggles against invisible bonds.
You begin to cast Flamestrike. You chant: syla kharn makinu to.
>zewen struggles against invisible bonds. You hit Zewen with your mace, doing 11 HPs damage. You hit Zewen with you war hammer, doing 19 HPs damage You cast Flamestrike at Zewen. fl x You begin to cast Flamestrike.
Avatar begins to cast a spell. You hit Zewen with your mace, doing 15 HPs damage. You hit Zewen with you war hammer, doing 13 HPs damage You chant: syla kharn makinu to. You cast Flamestrike at Zewen.
Avatar of Storm misses Zewen.
>zewen struggles against invisible bonds. Avatar chants: spiritus impalatarum.
Avatar gestures as Zewen is struck by 10 energy ball(s). You hit Zewen with you mace, doing 11 HPs damage You hit Zewen with you war hammer, doing 9 HPs damage
You dealt the death blow to Zewen.
Zewen dies, and her weapons eerily fall from her limp hands and drop to the floor.
Zewen dies!
shout Zewen Dies !! justice is heard, for killing a house member of Solun`var You shout: Zewen Dies !! justice is heard, for killing a house member of Solun`var.
You shout: Hail { S T O R M } sc Hp: 307(307) Gp: 124(225) Xp: 2118459 Socp: 135
l corpse
This is the dead body of Zewen. Carrying: Emerald Gauntlets Spiked Collar Crystal Pendulum Jeweled Ring Silken Trousers Ring of Fean Silver Boots Red Loin Cloth Crystal Chainmail Mirrored Amulet Silken Shirt backpack amulet
You cackle with glee.
You bury the corpses deep within the earth.
sa hehe
you say: hehe
g Clan Took : Entrance Way [e,w]. Avatar of Storm, Ghost of Zewen, Timmy and Lily are here. Crystal Dagger. Ivory Bastard Sword.