Rilith shouts: Drathan can kiss my a$$ > say hmmmm? You ask: hmmmm? > say get him? You ask: get him? > gl Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > Paladurum says: yes :) say both charge ok? You ask: both charge ok? > i Wielding : Blade of Salem. Wearing : bone wand amulet, Dawning Sun Pendant, Tranquil ring, Kender Medallion, Demonic Platemail, Silver Boots, Emerald Gauntlets, great helm, Ring of Fean, Heavy Cloak and Spiked Collar. Carrying: Rusty Key. IOU. Two Duffel Bags. Two Swords of the Captain. Two White Shields. Your purse contains 52 platinum coins. > out Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. Drathan's walks away without Paladurum. > party move out Drathan's walks to the out. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > Paladurum exclaims: well shoe em what drathan is all bohyut....REeSPEeCT OUTR AUTORATHA ! party move west party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum, Dog and Woman are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Sheriff's Office [w]. Paladurum and Rilith are here. Bulletin board [ 32 notes ]. Sign. > charge rilith
Rilith leaves west. Noone here going by that name. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > follow rilith Could not find rilith. > party move west follow rilith Drathan's walks to the west. Jorn's Equipment Shop [e]. Paladurum and Jorn are here. > Could not find rilith. > Rilith shouts: chickens =) party move east follow rilith Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move south follow rilith Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [n,s]. Paladurum, Merchant and Woman are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move south It has stopped raining. follow rilith Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move east follow rilith
Paladurum shouts: run Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [e,w]. Paladurum and Port Guard are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move west party move west follow rilith Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Clan Took : Entrance Way [e,w]. Paladurum, Timmy and Lily are here. > Could not find rilith. > Timmy protects Lily.
Lily protects Timmy. party move east party move east follow rilith Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [e,w]. Paladurum and Port Guard are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move east follow rilith Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,w]. Paladurum, Two men and Dog are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move northeast follow rilith Drathan's walks to the northeast. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,sw]. Paladurum, Merchant and Woman are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move northeast follow rilith
Rilith pokes Paladurum in the COME ALONE. Drathan's walks to the northeast. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [n,sw,se]. Paladurum and Cat are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move north follow rilith Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,s]. Paladurum, Dog and Priestess are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move northeast follow rilith Drathan's walks to the northeast. Riverton : Pine Road [n,w,sw]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move west follow rilith Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move east party move north follow rilith Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [n,w,sw]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Dock [s]. Paladurum, Merchant and Woman are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move south party move west follow rilith Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Pine Road [n,w,sw]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move west follow rilith Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move west follow rilith Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Could not find rilith. > party move west follow rilith Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Dog and Priestess are here. > Could not find rilith. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum is here. > Dog arrives from the east. party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > party move east party move north Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Baggend : Clan Baggins [n,s]. Paladurum and Two Guard Dogs are here. > party move south party move west
Guard dog protects Guard Dog.
Guard dog protects two Guard Dogs. Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog and Merchant are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Merchant, Two women, Cat and Port Guard are here. > Merchant leaves west.
Cat leaves east. party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Dog are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Dog leaves bridge. party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Four blademasters are here. > party move east party move south Drathan's walks to the east. party move west Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Temple of Storm : God of Chaotic Neutrality [e,s]. Paladurum is here. Bust of Mohrg. Altar. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Temple of Storm : Hallway [n,stairs]. Paladurum and Boyle, Knight of Lightning are here. > say wanna meet him alone? You ask: wanna meet him alone? > glance Temple of Storm : Hallway [n,stairs]. Paladurum and Boyle, Knight of Lightning are here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. party move east Temple of Storm : God of Chaotic Neutrality [e,s]. Paladurum is here. Bust of Mohrg. Altar. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [n,sw]. Paladurum and Giant toad are here. > Paladurum hits Toad with his Silver Broadsword. party move southwest
Paladurum hits Toad with his Silver Broadsword. Drathan's walks to the southwest. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [ne,sw]. Paladurum and Two giant toads are here. > party move northeast party move north You hit Toad with your Blade of Salem, doing 30 HPs damage. party move north
giant toad misses Paladurum. Drathan's walks to the northeast. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [n,sw]. Paladurum and Giant toad are here. > Paladurum says: not really xxx is overpowered Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. party move east Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Dog are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Two women and Port Guard are here. > You are hunting giant toad You are hunting giant toad party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Cat, Dog and Merchant are here. > party move west
Woman arrives from the west. Drathan's walks to the west. party move south Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Woman and Port Guard are here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [n,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [n,se]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move southeast Drathan's walks to the southeast. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [nw,ne]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move northeast Drathan's walks to the northeast. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [sw,e]. Paladurum, Merchant and Woman are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [w,e]. Paladurum, Merchant and Woman are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Market Street [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [n,s]. Paladurum, Merchant and Two women are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum, Port Guard and Two men are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Clan Took : Entrance Way [e,w]. Paladurum, Timmy and Lily are here. > Timmy exclaims: Blididda Timmmmie! party move east party move north Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum, Port Guard and Two men are here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Market Street [n,s]. Paladurum, Merchant and Two women are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum, Port Guard and Two men are here. > climb tower You slowly ascend the silver tower, entering a large magic filled room. follow rilith Silver Tower : Shadow Mage Guild [d,e,u]. Jama, the Archmage of Darkness is here. Bulletin board [ 5 notes ]. Sign. > Could not find rilith. > party move up Drathan's walks to the up. Guild-Master's Room [d]. Drathan's walks away without Paladurum. > party move down Drathan's walks to the down. party move north Silver Tower : Shadow Mage Guild [d,e,u]. Jama, the Archmage of Darkness is here. Bulletin board [ 5 notes ]. Sign. Drathan's walks away without Paladurum. > There is no such exit here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Shadow-Mage Treasury. [w]. Drathan's walks away without Paladurum. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. party move down Silver Tower : Shadow Mage Guild [d,e,u]. Jama, the Archmage of Darkness is here. Bulletin board [ 5 notes ]. Sign. Drathan's walks away without Paladurum. > Drathan's walks to the down. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum, Port Guard and Two men are here. Drathan's walks away without Paladurum. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Market Street [n,s]. Paladurum, Merchant and Two women are here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Sheriff's Office [w]. Paladurum is here. Bulletin board [ 32 notes ]. Sign. > party move west party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Jorn's Equipment Shop [e]. Paladurum and Jorn are here. > party move east party move north Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Market Street [n,s,w]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [w,e]. Paladurum and Two women are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [sw,e]. Paladurum is here. > party move northwest There is no such exit here. party move southwest > Drathan's walks to the southwest. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [nw,ne]. Paladurum, Two dogs and Merchant are here. > party move northwest Drathan's walks to the northwest. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [n,se]. Paladurum is here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Gilmore Pike [n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog, Woman and Port Guard are here. > Woman leaves east. party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Two women, Cat, Dog and Merchant are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move west party move west party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Rivertscon : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Two women, Cat, Dog and Merchant are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog and Port Guard are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Dog are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Paladurum asks: prolly in guild or what ?
Rilith arrives from the north.
Rilith searches around the room a bit.
Rilith begins to cast a spell.
Paladurum points his finger at Rilith. charge rilith You point your finger at Rilith. > You shout a deafening warcry as you begin your charge.
Rilith misses Paladurum.
Rilith chants: 'amri xeno haltem'.
Rilith finishes a spell with a gesture at Paladurum, and he starts to struggle against invisible bonds.
Rilith leaves east. Your target is trying to escape, but you rush after she in a fit of rage! glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Your target is running for her life! You hurl your gauntlet at the coward! You bring your weapon down and decimate the heathen Rilith! The cowardly Rilith has fled. party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Two dogs and Port Guard are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog, Two women and Merchant are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Cat and Dog are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > glance Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > glance Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > glance Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > Paladurum says: damn hold.. glance Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > glance Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > party move out Drathan's walks to the out. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move west party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog, Cat and Two women are here. > Paladurum collapses in a heap as the bonds holding him are destroyed. Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Two merchants, Dog and Port Guard are here. > party move west
Dog leaves west. Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move south party move west Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Temple of Storm : God of Chaotic Neutrality [e,s]. Paladurum is here. Bust of Mohrg. Altar. > party move east party move north party move west Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Four blademasters are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. party move east Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Two merchants and Port Guard are here. > party move east
Rilith shouts: wus Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog, Cat and Two women are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum, Woman and Priestess are here. > party move west party move south Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Bank of Riverton [out]. Paladurum is here. Sign. > party move out Drathan's walks to the out. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move east party move south Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum, Woman and Priestess are here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [n,s,w]. Paladurum, Dog, Woman and Merchant are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum is here. > Paladurum shouts asking: still running ? party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Jorn's Equipment Shop [e]. Paladurum and Jorn are here. > party move east party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Sheriff's Office [w]. Paladurum is here. Bulletin board [ 32 notes ]. Sign. > party move west party move south Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [n,s]. Paladurum and Two women are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum, Merchant, Port Guard and Two men are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Clan Took : Entrance Way [e,w]. Paladurum, Timmy and Lily are here. > party move east party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum, Merchant, Port Guard and Two men are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Dog are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,w]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > party move northeast Drathan's walks to the northeast. party move northeast Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,sw]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the northeast. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [n,sw,se]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > party move north
Woman leaves southwest. Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,s]. Paladurum and Cat are here. > party move south party move southeast Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [n,sw,se]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the southeast. Hills of Riverton: To The Old Forest. [se,nw]. Paladurum and Black bear are here. > party move northwest party move north party move northeast Drathan's walks to the northwest. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [n,sw,se]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,s]. Paladurum and Cat are here. > Drathan's walks to the northeast. Riverton : Pine Road [n,w,sw]. Paladurum, Merchant, Woman, Priestess and Three dogs are here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Dock [s]. Paladurum is here. > party move south party move west Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Pine Road [n,w,sw]. Paladurum, Merchant, Woman, Priestess and Three dogs are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n]. Paladurum is here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Paladurum yells: FEAR THE DRATHAN KNIGHTS ! party move east party move north Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Temple of Anarian. [portal]. Paladurum and Priest of Anarian are here. > party move portal Drathan's walks to the portal. party move west Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. party move south Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton Shop of Fine Goods [n]. Paladurum is here. > party move north party move west Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move east party move south Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the south. The Cathedral of Neutral Good. [out]. Paladurum is here. > party move oiut There is no such exit here. > party move out Drathan's walks to the out. party move west Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum, Dog, Woman and Priestess are here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Baggend : Clan Baggins [n,s]. Paladurum and Two Guard Dogs are here. > party move south party move west Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum, Dog, Woman and Priestess are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > party move out party move west Drathan's walks to the out. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Two women are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Cat, Dog, Two merchants and Port Guard are here. > party move east party move south Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Two women are here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Newbie Guild [n]. Paladurum is here. Bulletin board [ 32 notes ]. > party move north party move west Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Two women are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Cat, Dog, Two merchants and Port Guard are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Merchant arrives from the east. party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Rilith arrives from the west. charge rilith
Rilith begins to cast a spell. You point your finger at Rilith. > You shout a deafening warcry as you begin your charge. You are attacked by Rilith. Rilith misses you.
Rilith chants: 'amri xeno haltem'.
Rilith finishes a spell with a gesture at Paladurum, and he starts to struggle against invisible bonds.
Paladurum struggles against invisible bonds.
Rilith leaves east. You are hunting Rilith Your target is trying to escape, but you rush after she in a fit of rage! glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Your target is running for her life! You hurl your gauntlet at the coward! You bring your weapon down and decimate the heathen Rilith! glance The cowardly Rilith has fled. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Cat, Two dogs, Merchant and Port Guard are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Two women are here. > party move east
Cat arrives from the west. Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum, Dog, Woman and Priestess are here. > party move west party move north
Dog leaves east. Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > laugh rilith You laugh at Rilith. > i Wielding : Blade of Salem. Wearing : bone wand amulet, Dawning Sun Pendant, Tranquil ring, Kender Medallion, Demonic Platemail, Silver Boots, Emerald Gauntlets, great helm, Ring of Fean, Heavy Cloak and Spiked Collar. Carrying: Rusty Key. IOU. Two Duffel Bags. Two Swords of the Captain. Two White Shields. Your purse contains 52 platinum coins. > t rilith gor jag skada alls eller? You ask Rilith: gor jag skada alls eller? > party move out Drathan's walks to the out. party move west Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. party move west Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Paladurum collapses in a heap as the bonds holding him are destroyed. Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Cat and Two women are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. party move west Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog, Merchant and Port Guard are here. > Drathan'sparty move west walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Rilith arrives from the east. follow rilith tackle rilith You try to follow Rilith, but you can't keep up to she. > You lower your shoulder and rush toward Rilith > Paladurum hits Rilith harmlessly.
Paladurum hits Rilith harmlessly.
Rilith begins to cast a spell.
Paladurum points his finger at Rilith.
Rilith leaves east. Your target has fled!
Merchant arrives from the east. glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Merchant and Paladurum are here. > glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Merchant and Paladurum are here. > Paladurum delivers a crushing blow to Rilith!
Merchant leaves east.
glance > Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > say both charge when he enters You say: both charge when he enters glance > Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Paladurum nods. glance
Rilith shouts: weak fools Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > shout stop running like a rabbit then You shout: stop running like a rabbit then > glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Dog are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. party move east Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog, Cat and Two women are here. > party move east
Cat leaves east. Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Cat are here. > party move east
Woman arrives from the west. Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > Rilith shouts: well..come fight me alone coward party move out Drathan's walks to the out. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move west party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Woman and Cat are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog and Woman are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move west party move east Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Four blademasters are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. party move west Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. party move east party move north Temple of Storm : God of Chaotic Neutrality [e,s]. Paladurum is here. Bust of Mohrg. Altar. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > > Dog leaves east. glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Paladurum tells you: follow and tackl i charge lose pal They are not following you. > say ok You say: ok > glance Paladurum follows you. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > lose pal You lose Paladurum. > glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Rilith pokes you in the and you guys should be what a pity.
Paladurum says: aah forgot glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Rilith challenges Paladurum. poke rilith and thats our fault charge is so sucky? You poke Rilith in the and thats our fault charge is so sucky?. glance > Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Paladurum pokes Rilith in the and the xxx so overpowered. shout come back then! You yell: come back then! > glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > chicken ri You reveal the chicken inside Rilith. > glance Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Dog and Merchant are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. party move east Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > Merchant leaves east. Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Merchant, Dog and Woman are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Woman and Cat are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move south
Cat arrives from the west. Drathan's walks to the south. Bank of Riverton [out]. Paladurum is here. Sign. > Rilith pokes you in the have no armour you guys hurts alittle. party move north There is no such exit here. > party move out Drathan's walks to the out. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Cat are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. party move south Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum, Woman and Priestess are here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [n,s,w]. Paladurum, Dog, Woman and Merchant are here. > Merchant leaves west. party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Sheriff's Office [w]. Paladurum is here. Bulletin board [ 32 notes ]. Sign. > party move west party move south Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Market Square [n,e,s,se,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Market Street [n,s]. Paladurum and Two women are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. party move west Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum, Merchant, Port Guard and Two men are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Clan Took : Entrance Way [e,w]. Paladurum, Timmy and Lily are here. > party move east party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Market Street [e,w,n]. Paladurum, Merchant, Man and Port Guard are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Dog are here. > Dog leaves east. party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,w]. Paladurum, Dog and Priestess are here. > party move northeast party move northeast party move northeast Drathan's walks to the northeast. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,sw]. Paladurum, Cat and Woman are here. > Drathan's walks to the northeast. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [n,sw,se]. Paladurum is here. > There is no such exit here. > party move southeast Drathan's walks to the southeast. Hills of Riverton: To The Old Forest. [se,nw]. Paladurum and Two black bears are here. > party move southeast Drathan's walks to the southeast. Hills of Riverton: To The Old Forest. [nw,sw]. Paladurum and Rilith are here. > You hit Rilith with no effect. follow rilith tackle rilith
Rilith misses Paladurum. > You lower your shoulder and rush toward Rilith > Paladurum hits Rilith with his Silver Broadsword.
Paladurum hits Rilith harmlessly.
Paladurum points his finger at Rilith.
Rilith leaves northwest. You are hunting Rilith Your target has fled!
Black bear arrives from the northwest. party move northwest Drathan's walks to the northwest. Hills of Riverton: To The Old Forest. [se,nw]. Paladurum and Black bear are here. > party move northwest Drathan's walks to the northwest. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [n,sw,se]. Paladurum is here. > party move north party move northeast Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Mandrin Lane [ne,s]. Paladurum and Dog are here. > Drathan's walks to the northeast. Riverton : Pine Road [n,w,sw]. Paladurum, Dog and Woman are here. > party move north
Dog arrives from the southwest. Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Dock [s]. Paladurum, Priestess and Dog are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. party move west Riverton : Pine Road [n,w,sw]. Paladurum, Two dogs and Woman are here. > Woman leaves west. party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n]. Paladurum, Woman and Merchant are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Dog arrives from the west. party move west Drathan's walks to the west. party move west Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum and Rilith are here. > Drathan's walks to party move west the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum, Priestess and Cat are here. > Rilith arrives from the east. charge rilith You point your finger at Rilith. > You hit Rilith with your Blade of Salem, doing 27 HPs damage. You shout a deafening warcry as you begin your charge. Rilith misses you.
Cat leaves west.
Rilith leaves west. You are hunting Rilith Your target is trying to escape, but you rush after she in a fit of rage! glance Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > Your target is running for her life! You hurl your gauntlet at the coward! You bring your weapon down and decimate the heathen Rilith! glance Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > The cowardly Rilith has fled. party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Dog, Cat and Woman are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Merchant and Woman are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Newbie Guild [n]. Paladurum is here. Bulletin board [ 32 notes ]. > party move north party move west Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Dog and Merchant are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. party move west Riverton : Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Four blademasters are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Road [w,e]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Road [w,e]. Paladurum, Cat and Four blademasters are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Road [w,e]. Paladurum and Two women are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Road [w,e]. Paladurum and Three blademasters are here. > party move west You are attacked by giant toad. You are attacked by giant toad. You are attacked by giant toad. Drathan's walks to the west. Garflunde : Hills. [w,e]. Paladurum and Three giant toads are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Garflunde : Hills. [n,w,e,s]. Paladurum and Squirrel are here. > You are hunting giant toad You are hunting giant toad You are hunting giant toad party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Garflunde : Hills. [n,w,e,s]. Paladurum and Two black bears are here. > party move east party move east party move east Drathan's walks to the east. party move east Garflunde : Hills. [n,w,e,s]. Paladurum and Squirrel are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Garflunde : Hills. [w,e]. Paladurum and Three giant toads are here. > Paladurum hits Toad with his Silver Broadsword.
Paladurum hits Toad with his Silver Broadsword. giant toad misses you.
giant toad misses Paladurum. giant toad misses you. You stop hunting giant toad.
Paladurum dealt the death blow to Toad.
Toad dies. party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Road [w,e]. Paladurum and Three blademasters are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Road [w,e]. Paladurum and Two women are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Road [w,e]. Paladurum, Cat and Four blademasters are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Road [w,e]. Paladurum and Merchant are here. > party move east
Cat arrives from the west. party move east Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant and Four blademasters are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move west party move south Drathan's walks to the west. Temple of Storm : God of Chaotic Neutrality [e,s]. Paladurum is here. Bust of Mohrg. Altar. > Drathan's walks to the south. Temple of Storm : Hallway [n,stairs]. Paladurum and Boyle, Knight of Lightning are here. > party move north party move east Drathan's walks to the north. Temple of Storm : God of Chaotic Neutrality [e,s]. Paladurum is here. Bust of Mohrg. Altar. > party move south Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the south. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [n,sw]. Paladurum and Giant toad are here. > party move south
Paladurum hits Toad with his Silver Broadsword.
Paladurum hits Toad with his Silver Broadsword. You stop hunting giant toad.
Paladurum dealt the death blow to Toad.
Toad dies. sc There is no such exit here. > party move southwest Drathan's walks to the southwest. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [ne,sw]. Paladurum and Two giant toads are here. > You hit Toad with your Blade of Salem, doing 23 HPs damage. giant toad misses you. You dealt the death blow to Toad.
Toad dies. sc party move southwest > Drathan's walks to the southwest. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [ne,w]. Paladurum and Wolf are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [e,s]. Paladurum and Four foxes are here. > party move south Drathan's walks to the south. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [n,sw]. Paladurum is here. > You are hunting giant toad party move southwest Drathan's walks to the southwest. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [ne,se]. Paladurum and Two black bears are here. > party move northeast Drathan's walks to the northeast. party move north Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [n,sw]. Paladurum is here. > party move northeast Drathan's walks to the north. party move east Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [e,s]. Paladurum and Four foxes are here. > There is no such exit here. > party move northeast Drathan's walks to the east. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [ne,w]. Paladurum and Wolf are here. > Drathan's walks to the northeast. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [ne,sw]. Paladurum and Giant toad are here. Corpse of Giant toad. > You hit Toad with your Blade of Salem, doing 34 HPs damage. giant toad misses you. You dealt the death blow to Toad.
Toad dies. sc
> party move northeast party move north Drathan's walks to the northeast. Hills of Riverton: To Mirwood Forest. [n,sw]. Paladurum is here. Corpse of Giant toad. > Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : South road [n,s,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog and Merchant are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. party move east Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the east. party move east Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Merchant and Woman are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. party move east Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant, Dog, Cat and Woman are here. > party move east Drathan's walks to the east. party move east Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > Drathan's walks to the east. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > party move north Drathan's walks to the north. Baggend : Clan Baggins [n,s]. Paladurum and Two Guard Dogs are here. > party move south party move west party move north Drathan's walks to the south. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s,n]. Paladurum and Woman are here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > Drathan's walks to the north. Dane's Place [out]. Paladurum is here. Two Battle axes. Menu. > party move out Drathan's walks to the out. party move west Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,n,s]. Paladurum and Priestess are here. > party move west party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum, Merchant, Dog, Cat and Woman are here. > Cat leaves east. Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum is here. > Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w,s]. Paladurum, Merchant and Woman are here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Pine Road [e,w]. Paladurum is here. > party move west Drathan's walks to the west. Riverton : Crossroads [e,bridge,w,s]. Paladurum, Dog and Merchant are here. > Merchant leaves west.
Dog leaves east. chicken ri You reveal the chicken inside Rilith. > Rilith arrives from the west. charge rilith
Paladurum points his finger at Rilith.
Paladurum begins to cast a spell. You point your finger at Rilith. > Rilith begins to cast a spell.
Paladurum hits Rilith harmlessly.
Paladurum hits Rilith harmlessly.
Paladurum chants: syla kharn makinu to.
Paladurum envelopes Rilith in a pillar of flame!
Paladurum shouts deafeningly as he charges toward Rilith. You hit Rilith with no effect. You shout a deafening warcry as you begin your charge.
Rilith misses Paladurum.
Rilith chants: arcana vilea makinu to. You resist the effects of the spell!
Rilith leaves east. You are hunting Rilith Your target is trying to escape, but you rush after she in a fit of rage!
Paladurum delivers a crushing blow to Rilith! You stop hunting Rilith. Rilith has been slain.