Current MUD: Waters Edge Number of logs: 260 Number of players: 157 Moderated by:
Listing log
Title: No turning on me :)Date: 18.07.2002
Winners:  Amber Losers:  Moof PPW: 0.66 OWN colors.
Click here to turn OFF Colors
Moof arrives from the west.

Nothing happens! <----- HEY no turning here
buy paper
E. Garden Ave. and E. Wall Road [n,s,w].
> What?
> s
E. Wall Road [n,s].
> s
E. Wall Road [n,s,w].
Bation the Pimp is here.
> s
E. Wall Road [n,s].
> n
The Intersection of South Wall Road and Main Street. [e,w,n,s].
> cast vile curse moof
cast brain death moof
Your intended target is not present.
> The Gods of Darkness and Evil cackle wickedly, denying you the power to cast
the spell since you cannot see your intended target.


North South Road [s,n].
> s

Moof arrives from the south.
You begin your curse.
> You begin your foul chanting, in an attempt to to savage your opponent's mind.
> North South Road [s,n,e].
> cast vile curse moof
cast brain death moof
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
> n
You are already casting an offensive spell.
> Moof is no longer here.
The Gods of Darkness and Evil cackle wickedly, denying you the power to cast
the spell since you cannot see your intended target.

The Gods of Darkness and Evil cackle wickedly, denying you the power to cast
the spell since you cannot see your intended target.

cast vile curse moof
cast brain death moof
North South Road [s,n].
Moof is here.
> You begin your curse.
> You begin your foul chanting, in an attempt to to savage your opponent's mind.
> You hold up the shrunken skull and crush it in your hands to release its power.
You hold up the skull and unleash the power of the dead.
You call upon the Gods of Darkness and Evil to visit a vile curse upon Moof!
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle a Holy Symbol.
The Holy Symbol turns to dust in your hands.

Moof drops Dark Cloak, Multi Colored Stick, Badge of Might, ring of power,
Cloak of Human Skin, Titanium Breastplate, Bracers of Defense, Whalers Luck,
Gloves of Health, Ring of the Ancients, Shifting Pouch, Cursed Cap of Folly,
Diamond Lust, Str/Con/Wis Amulet of the Dragon, Blue Cloak, Holy Symbol,
Smith's Hammer (The Destroyer) and sixty nine Mana Potions under strain.
Your spell failed, nothing happens.

Moof leaves north.
bp moof
pwd moof
Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> bp moof
pwd moof
Your intended target is not present.
> bp moof
pwd moof
Your intended target is not present.
> glance
bp moof
pwd moof
Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> bp moof
pwd moof
North South Road [s,n].
Titanium Breastplate.
Bracers of Defense.
Str/Con/Wis Amulet of the Dragon.
Whalers Luck.
Gloves of Health.
Ring of the Ancients.
Diamond Lust.
Dark Cloak.
Blue Cloak.
Multi Colored Stick.
Badge of Might.
Ring of power.
Cloak of Human Skin.
Shifting Pouch.
Smith's Hammer (The Destroyer).
Many Mana Potions.
Cursed Cap of Folly.
> Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
bp moof
pwd moof
> Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> bp moof
pwd moof
Your intended target is not present.
> bp moof
pwd moof
Your intended target is not present.
> bp moof
pwd moof
bp moof
pwd moof
Your intended target is not present.
> bp moof
pwd moof
Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> bp moof
pwd moof
Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
> bp moof
pwd moof
> > n
> bp moof
pwd moof
> > > >
Moof arrives from the north.
You cast bleeding pores on your foe.
You begin your curse.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting an offensive spell.
North South Road [s,n].
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting an offensive spell.
bp moof
pwd moof
North South Road [s,n].
Titanium Breastplate.
Bracers of Defense.
Str/Con/Wis Amulet of the Dragon.
Whalers Luck.
Gloves of Health.
Ring of the Ancients.
Diamond Lust.
Dark Cloak.
Blue Cloak.
Multi Colored Stick.
Badge of Might.
Ring of power.
Cloak of Human Skin.
Shifting Pouch.
Smith's Hammer (The Destroyer).
Many Mana Potions.
Cursed Cap of Folly.
Moof arrives from the south.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
> You are already casting an offensive spell.
> bp moof
pwd moof
You cast bleeding pores on Moof.

Moof's skin becomes bloated and reddens!
You utter a word of power at Moof.
You hold up the skull and unleash the power of the dead.

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.

A Mirror Image blocks an attack on Moof.
6 Mirror Images remain on him.

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.

A Mirror Image blocks an attack on Moof.
5 Mirror Images remain on him.

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.

A Mirror Image blocks an attack on Moof.
4 Mirror Images remain on him.

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.

A Mirror Image blocks an attack on Moof.
3 Mirror Images remain on him.

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.

A Mirror Image blocks an attack on Moof.
2 Mirror Images remain on him.

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.

A Mirror Image blocks an attack on Moof.
1 Mirror Image remains on him.

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.

A Mirror Image blocks an attack on Moof.
0 Mirror Images remain on him.

That was Moof's last Mirror Image.

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.
You cremate Moof.

Moof bleeds from the pores!

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.
Moof cringes as pus flows freely from his scabberous, decaying wounds.

Moof bleeds from the pores!

Moof's Holy Shield blocks an enormous amount of the damage.
Moof cringes as pus flows freely from his scabberous, decaying wounds.

Moof bleeds from the pores!
You dodge Moof's attack!
You killed Moof.
get head from corpses

Moof removes the Shimmering Liquid Necklace which stops glowing.
You get Some platinum and Some silver coins from corpse of Moof.

Moof's skin returns to normal.
Your intended target is not present.
> Your intended target is not present.
Ghost of Moof leaves north.
Hp: 3360(3360) Gp: 4071(6985) Xp: 22403 Socp: 246(246)
> glance
You get Severed Head of Moof from decapitated corpse of Moof.
> North South Road [s,n].
Decapitated corpse of Moof.
Titanium Breastplate.
Bracers of Defense.
Str/Con/Wis Amulet of the Dragon.
Whalers Luck.
Gloves of Health.
Ring of the Ancients.
Diamond Lust.
Dark Cloak.
Blue Cloak.
Multi Colored Stick.
Badge of Might.
Ring of power.
Cloak of Human Skin.
Shifting Pouch.
Smith's Hammer (The Destroyer).
Many Mana Potions.
Cursed Cap of Folly.
Ghost of Moof arrives from the north.
North South Road [s,n].
Ghost of Moof is here.
Decapitated corpse of Moof.
Titanium Breastplate.
Bracers of Defense.
Str/Con/Wis Amulet of the Dragon.
Whalers Luck.
Gloves of Health.
Ring of the Ancients.
Diamond Lust.
Dark Cloak.
Blue Cloak.
Multi Colored Stick.
Badge of Might.
Ring of power.
Cloak of Human Skin.
Shifting Pouch.
Smith's Hammer (The Destroyer).
Many Mana Potions.
Cursed Cap of Folly.
> say never try to turn me again

You say: never try to turn me again
> Hosted by
Reinos de Leyenda Originaly created by
Espen Solbu