Current MUD: Shattered Realms Number of logs: 258 Number of players: 219 Moderated by: Arkasi
Listing log
Title: The Cannibal - Part One :: Approaching the CannibalDate: 21.08.2002
Winners:   Losers:  PPW: 0.00  
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     /* The Cannibal - Part One */
     /* Approaching the Cannibal */

Korinth says: Hmmm, get that chain Crys. If you want.

Violet asks: who?

Korinth says: It's part of the med quest.                           /* No meditation yet :( */
You get Chain of Keys from the Near Riverton : The Crossroads.  /* But lost later, so... */

Violet says: oh crys

Violet giggles.
You smile.
       Near Riverton : The Crossroads
--@--     You are at a crossroads outside the hobbit town of Riverton
  |    . To the east, a road leads into town. To the north, you see a
  |     bridge over a roaring river. To the south, you see a long road leading
 into the wilderness. Westward you see a road heading into some darkened hills. 

Reasonably hot summer day with very thin complete cloud cover.
There are four obvious exits : east, bridge, west and south.
Heat, Korinth, Violet and The Lord of Destruction are here.
Ring of Seklah.
Hangin' Tree.
You ask: only four?             /* Four to do an OMIQ. Easy to die.*/

Korinth says: I've done it already, so I don't need the chain.

Korinth grins.

Heat says: Ok, we are awaiting the first clue.

Korinth nods.

Korinth says: Ok
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Espen Solbu