Current MUD: Shattered Realms Number of logs: 258 Number of players: 219 Moderated by: Arkasi
Listing 50 Logs (100-150)
Date Winners Title Losers PPW Views Colors
28.03.2002  Goth vs Lothar view from Lothar  0.001163 
28.03.2002  Goth Do not med in my xp spot  Lothar 0.701126 
17.02.2002  Entangled drow.  Gogeta 0.351133 
10.02.2002  Impale Malice Grants me a Human  Valen 0.701133 
09.02.2002  Korn El niņo del maiz (2)  Drokmar 0.631084 
08.02.2002  Check this out!!! (Korn -vs- Drokmar and Korinth, view of Korinth.)  0.001122 
08.02.2002  Korn El niņo del maiz (very fun log)  Drokmar Korinth 6.761141 
03.02.2002  Malice taste the blood of goth's wife  0.001089 
03.02.2002  Goth Gnomo en mi zona de xp, gnomo muerto =)  Gromph 0.701108OWN
28.01.2002  This is not a whine log, but there is not surposed to be a safe room so maybe change "Blocker code" ? :O)  0.001186OWN
18.01.2002  Testing colors - by farelid  0.001117OWN
08.01.2002  Korinth This goblin was a trash-player. I don't like trash-players. (Korinth -vs- Gunk)  Gunk 2.611089 
03.01.2002  Now, yes gate guards should be hard, but this is a JOKE!!?? plz tell me its a bug.... (Zephyr's View)  0.001080 
27.12.2001  Vertigo not on my watch  Dahranon 0.701064 
25.12.2001  SANTA CLAUS DIES!!!  0.001089 
17.12.2001  Korinth [Ooc]: Will someone post log even if noone dies?  0.001132 
16.12.2001  A Malice Thief vs A Legend Berserker  0.001137 
11.12.2001  Goth Raiding Goriah  Eliza 0.701103 
08.12.2001  Goth Blablabla  Aquinas 0.701240 
01.12.2001  Goth Dwarf valiantly protects Duergar. Dwarf dies.  Broken 2.251117 
01.12.2001  Impale Kobra Malice way to punish foolish people  Fallon 1.171128 
20.11.2001  Zephyr a Fair challenge from Halfwith  Halfwith 0.631165 
20.11.2001  Zephyr Someone calling my love, Goth something unproper knows what they will get *rOaR*  Halfwith 0.661185 
10.11.2001  Goth Drow vs. Elf, Evil vs. Good, Goth vs. Arkasi  Arkasi 4.321237 
10.11.2001  Amithrian nasty half elf  Drokmar 0.701161 
07.11.2001  Annoying newbie with an attitude problem.  0.001091 
03.11.2001  mmmmm......that's the first part of the banzai's log  0.001067 
03.11.2001  Banzai Gnome challenges me  Zerthangal 0.661123 
25.10.2001  Drindi Broken Spry A slight misunderstanding, that ended in death...  Sakura 0.231147 
21.10.2001  Banzai Friendly fight ;)  Azekiel 0.701049 
17.10.2001  Impale a pure statement of Malice  Maeghan 0.631077 
16.10.2001  just an LMS from a thief's point of view  0.001099 
07.10.2001  And yet another arena-log. Last one. Featuring Drindi, Khelben and Banzai  0.001132 
07.10.2001  Another arena-log. This one with Drindi, Banzai, Impale and Amithrian  0.001087 
07.10.2001  A nice game of Last Man Standing with Drindi, Banzai and Sakura.  0.001073 
29.09.2001  Old arena log  0.001122 
20.09.2001  Very dumb newbie tries to kill me. (Drindi versus  0.001099 
07.09.2001  Gunk Good Elf is a Dead Elf  Maeghan 0.661101 
05.09.2001  Goth Price of knowledge  Dazrana 0.661104 
05.09.2001  Gunk Ahhh a sweet kill! This ones for YOU!  Sarcil 0.701094 
01.09.2001  Gunk Mmmm you dropped something...  Bossnass 0.701168 
31.08.2001  a VERY fun arena with Mazod, Fallon, Sarcil, and Razzle..... Nice reading if you dont have anything fun to do :)  0.001145 
31.08.2001  Goth The first player who dared to attack me. Congratulations (and die).  Forsaken 2.851164 
30.08.2001  Goth You are not welcome in Eclipse  Impale 2.381113 
30.08.2001  Razzle Ravenhall-cleric bites the dust...  Triton 0.701074 
27.08.2001  Razzle Whoops... Poor elf...  Akar 0.661108 
27.08.2001  Goth Ebony love  Akar 0.701158 
25.08.2001  Goth Razzle Blackmoon Gnyrrtyl Waiting for a fight....  Birkir 0.591117 
24.08.2001  Blackmoon, Goth, Gnyrrtyl and Razzle -vs- Birkir (View from Razzle)  0.001072 
24.08.2001  Fallon Waiting for the right moment  Redcloud 0.701065 
Titles shown in italics are "alternative" logs, that means they do not count in Highscore previous next Hosted by
Reinos de Leyenda Originaly created by
Espen Solbu