Date | Winners | Title | Losers | PPW | Views | Colors |
20.03.2002 | Venger | Tadrien feels the Wrath of Darkness again | Tadrien | 0.66 | 893 | |
20.03.2002 | Venger | Fear the Wrath of Darkness | Tadrien | 0.70 | 868 | |
17.03.2002 | Girmak Glomis | Orc gets shown Why Agrach'dyrr is the first house of Sreen | Huurk | 0.35 | 864 | |
17.03.2002 | Luca | Pirates are mean sometimes | Alinor | 0.70 | 829 | |
16.03.2002 | Psycotic | Psycotic kills an over confident Gaelvek. | Gaelvek | 0.70 | 829 | |
16.03.2002 | Girmak | What happens when a botter gets in the way of a Warriors XPing | Sazer | 0.70 | 839 | |
16.03.2002 | Psycotic | Psycotic cant settle for just Jebus, he gets his nightmare too. | Jebus | 0.70 | 874 | |
16.03.2002 | Psycotic | You never learn ??? | Duris | 1.27 | 860 | |
16.03.2002 | Psycotic | Stay Away From my homeland | Duris Kael | 4.08 | 881 | |
16.03.2002 | Duris | Duris killing an active botter thats not at the keyboard. | Prism | 0.70 | 826 | |
Titles shown in italics are "alternative" logs, that means they do not count in Highscore | previous |