Current MUD: Shattered Realms Number of logs: 258 Number of players: 219 Moderated by:
Tale 2 told by Thulsa on 18.09.2000
Bad Boy seeks help!

I was sitting by myself in Grimswords Pub and
having a pint, or five. Can not quite remember. 
However, when I sat there I saw some nasty looking
guys which truly seemed to have been out for a
really nasty fight. I tried to listen to their
conversation but did not manage to catch much
more than that they have found this secret or
hidden tunnel somewhere inside the city. And
it must have been a very dangerous place, I am
sure that I heard that two in their party died. 
And three of the guys sitting beside me had
really ugly scratches and open wounds.

Them buggers was really careless to speak of
such an adventure in a public bar, I would
guess they are real amateurs. Because apparently
they was sighted by a small boy, in which as
far as I could hear. They locked up to rot, 
somewhere. I sure would like to have a chat with
that kid. Because they also mentioned that untold
adventures has opened to them down those tunnels!

Thulsa, the adventurer.
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