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Title: Evil....Date: 27.06.2015
Winners:  Kyth Losers:  Illimar PPW: 2.42 DEF colors.
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> Underdark: Archway above Lake [e,n,s].Illimar and Four Corbies are here.> 0You begin to cast Power Word Stun.> You are hunting Corby.You are hunting Corby.You are hunting Corby.You are hunting Corby.You slash Corby with your Moonblade for 21 HPs damage.You nick Corby with your Moonblade for 17 HPs damage.You shout: STUN!!Illimar succumbs to the Power Word and falls over unconscious.Corby succumbs to the Power Word and falls over unconscious.Corby succumbs to the Power Word and falls over unconscious.Corby succumbs to the Power Word and falls over unconscious.Corby succumbs to the Power Word and falls over unconscious.slYou are not calm enough.> Illimar shifts groggily.Corby shifts groggily.Corby shifts groggily.Corby shifts groggily.Corby shifts groggily.You slice Corby with your Moonblade for 24 HPs damage.You congeal Corby with your Moonblade for 18 HPs damage.You slice into Illimar with a flurry of lightning quick attacks!You eat away at Illimar with your Moonblade for 10 HPs damage.You slash Illimar with your Moonblade for 8 HPs damage.You spray acid at Illimar with your Moonblade for 6 HPs damage.You lacerate Illimar with your Moonblade for 6 HPs damage.You slice Illimar with your Moonblade for 9 HPs damage.You slash Illimar with your Moonblade for 6 HPs damage.You burn Illimar with your Moonblade for 8 HPs damage.You cool Illimar with your Moonblade for 10 HPs damage.You burn Illimar with your Moonblade for 7 HPs damage.You chop Illimar with your Moonblade for 5 HPs damage.You nick Illimar with your Moonblade for 9 HPs damage.> 9Your Pendant of Power slashes Corby.Illimar shakes off the effects of the stunHP: 1281 GP: 702You begin to cast Cone Of Cold.> Corby shifts groggily.Corby shifts groggily.Corby shifts groggily.You slice Illimar with your Moonblade for 10 HPs damage.You congeal Illimar with your Moonblade for 9 HPs damage.You chant, 'frezzus es coe'.You deep-freeze Illimar in a numbing cone of cold. For 65 HPs damage.You slice into Illimar with a flurry of lightning quick attacks!You fret Illimar with your Moonblade for 6 HPs damage.You cut Illimar with your Moonblade for 8 HPs damage.You cut Illimar with your Moonblade for 8 HPs damage.You chop Illimar with your Moonblade for 8 HPs damage.You burn Illimar with your Moonblade for 6 HPs damage.You congeal Illimar with your Moonblade for 5 HPs damage.You slice Illimar with your Moonblade for 8 HPs damage.Corby shakes off the effects of the stunflYou follow Illimar.> 0You begin to cast Power Word Stun.> Corby shifts groggily.You burn Illimar with your Moonblade for 6 HPs damage.You nick Illimar with your Moonblade for 9 HPs damage.You shout: STUN!!Illimar succumbs to the Power Word and falls over unconscious.	Corby doesnt seem to be affected by the power word!Corby succumbs to the Power Word and falls over unconscious.	Corby doesnt seem to be affected by the power word!	Corby doesnt seem to be affected by the power word!You slice into Illimar with a flurry of lightning quick attacks!You eat away at Illimar with your Moonblade for 10 HPs damage.You frost Illimar with your Moonblade for 6 HPs damage.You soften Illimar with your Moonblade for 5 HPs damage.You frost Illimar with your Moonblade for 7 HPs damage.You nick Illimar with your Moonblade for 8 HPs damage.Corby shakes off the effects of the stunCorby shakes off the effects of the stunIllimar shifts groggily.Illimar's air elemental shield blasts you.The spirits surrounding you shred through Illimar!HP: 1281 GP: 6709You begin to cast Cone Of Cold.> Corby shifts groggily.You cut Illimar with your Moonblade for 7 HPs damage.You graze Illimar with your Moonblade for 6 HPs damage.You chant, 'frezzus es coe'.You deep-freeze Illimar in a numbing cone of cold. For 51 HPs damage.Corby shakes off the effects of the stunYou dealt the death blow to Illimar.Illimar dies, and his weapons eerily fall from his limp hands and drop to the floor.Your Pendant of Power slashes Corby.You cut Corby with your Moonblade for 15 HPs damage.You solidify Corby with your Moonblade for 27 HPs damage.Corby shakes off the effects of the stunl corpsesThis is the dead body of Illimar.corpse of Illimar contains:Bandit Mask.Black Ebony Ring.Blackmail.Silver Bracers.Spiderweave Belt.Gachir's ring.Ferashade Amulet.Dilvish's Signet Ring.Amulet of the Chaos.Onyx Amulet.Cloak of the Eel.Amulet of Minds Eye.Moonstone Ring.Lucky Dragon Foot.Two Medium shields.Necroblade.Scimitar.Scroll of Read Magic.Vial of turquoise liquid.Bladed pendant.Huge ruby.Look From 1 to 23 of 35 (65%) - h for help. You corrode Corby with your Moonblade for 14 HPs damage.You lacerate Corby with your Moonblade for 20 HPs damage.fAzure Crystal.Die.Fluffy Towel.Pile of sand.Spider Key.Ruby Egg.Scroll of Reincarnation.Lockpicking Tools.Two Frost covered etched plates.Two Spider Medallions.Empty purse.Necromace. Hosted by
Reinos de Leyenda Originaly created by
Espen Solbu