Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by:
Listing 50 Logs (0-50)
Date Winners Title Losers PPW Views Colors
09.03.2020  FLASH  0.001449def
30.04.2019  Dragonee Right cause only 3 ppl on yet who said more pissy player made his shitty characters cant kill noone above 55  Razzle Eternal Mimic 17.001514def
30.04.2019  Multiplaying Scripting IS worse than Immortal Call do_death So I win!  0.001227def
21.02.2017  Siris Natural Selection  Hunter Kavinaugh Varth Yeoh 8.161881def
04.10.2016  Sturm Dwarf killed killing other Dwarves...justice by a Drow?!  Uther 0.701573def
01.10.2016  Nuggs Can't have people forgetting about me.  Sindred 2.131583def
09.09.2016  Troll hunt fails  0.001642def
21.05.2016  This seems fun. How far did you make it?  0.001904def
27.06.2015  Kyth Evil....  Illimar 2.422229def
07.10.2014  Seconded about cheating Imms  0.002300def
06.10.2014  Can we stop cheating with immorts to find players?  0.002137def
19.08.2014  Vyrae Scripters encountered  Aravan Myzr 2.722574OWN
24.07.2014  Anyone can add false shit in logs GG  0.002418def
24.07.2014  Wouldnt ever ask to join ppl who kill off fr and are the reasonings for fr dying good lie brian cambell  0.002318def
24.07.2014  Razzle Siris Aww, game over, man!  Maximinus 0.352456def
07.05.2014  dfgdf  0.002101OWN
10.03.2014  Solidus Setting patterns gets you killed  Jorah 0.702289def
12.02.2014  Gnav Scripter Wenz and his pet  Wenz 0.702268def
06.02.2014  Gnav Two xp-scripters busted at Crag  Flanker Vyrien 2.512025def
23.01.2014  Gnav Quelolmol Found a script-singing bard found inside a tower in Caldera thanks to a neutral gobber friend!  Twilight 1.722121def
22.01.2014  Gnav Milian You feel cursed as you enter the dark aura of Glember.  Glember 0.352009def
24.12.2013  Nuggs No More Mr. Niceguy  Jalandhara 5.412503def
04.12.2013  Solidus I am the MOST AWESOME ever!!!  Silhouette 2.272907def
12.11.2013  Nuggs baaaaaad leezard  Illimar 2.533677def
26.10.2013  Flint Amaranda Gnav Chakra Jalandhara Milian Nazaxiuh Mixmax Neanderthal Whiskers Gandor Landor Leonidas Merichantzy Solidus Megiltura [Shout]: awww poor baby keeps dying....poor thing  Solidus 0.744752def
11.10.2013  Fruba Razzle Hunter Hunting  Fony 0.354932def
26.09.2013  Rzen Lost Your Blade  Vyrien 0.664811def
26.09.2013  Solidus Siris Nasty elves slay loner Paladin  Ridire 0.354895def
22.09.2013  Faithless Amaranda Elabena Dracon Phoney Catherine Quelolmol Nazaxiuh Senras Whiskers Smells like con-loss  Siris Nuggs 1.285065def
21.09.2013  Faithless Amaranda Gnav Jalandhara Mixmax Varg Under achiever  Gax 0.504849def
18.09.2013  Nuggs Giant Shadows  Vyrien 0.705013def
14.09.2013  Solidus Razzle Rehab 3 vs 7...Rehab, Razzle, Solidus vs Nazaxiuh, Ilurenzia, Jalandhara, Constantine, Landor, Varg, and Retard...Logout or DIE!  Nazaxiuh Varg Ilurenzia 2.035406def
11.09.2013  Finkle Shadowboxing!  Silouette 0.665155def
09.09.2013  Nuggs Prison is Fun!  Ilph 0.705288def
06.09.2013  Milian You stumble and trip in the darkness and accidentally slaijs  Eradicator 0.705459def
30.08.2013  Veoran couldn't keep up with your pace.  0.006667def
27.08.2013  Nuggs Shame Djinni can't grant wishes.  Farac 2.335890def
26.08.2013  Solidus Who left this Basilisk here? OHHH  Retard 0.666620def
23.08.2013  Flint I'm waiting for Ton  Ainara 0.606198def
23.08.2013  Nuggs rascally thieves  Dirken 5.526321def
22.08.2013  TAGS on FR  0.005939def
22.08.2013  A nd this is why fr has almost no player base and no new players stick around tag killing at its finest  0.005888def
19.08.2013  Farac Bloodlust at Crag  Ainara 0.636244def
19.08.2013  Milian Oh pesky thiiifs  Ansatsusha 0.706076def
07.08.2013  TICK-TACK and then tick some even after you are dead!! Ghost of Razzle is here!   0.006403def
06.08.2013  Vlegar I do em solo!  Jaworski 0.706810def
06.08.2013  Solidus Leflion Its like seeing twins with the same could you not get confused?  Retard 0.356313def
03.08.2013  Vlegar I'm an ass  Risa 0.706344def
01.08.2013  Dugu the Brave  0.006524def
30.07.2013  Vlegar Pinefur asks you: why yah kill the ogre?   Ainara 0.665884def
Titles shown in italics are "alternative" logs, that means they do not count in Highscore next Hosted by
Reinos de Leyenda Originaly created by
Espen Solbu