Current MUD: Clandestine Number of logs: 36 Number of players: 46 Moderated by:
Listing 36 Logs (0-36)
Date Winners Title Losers PPW Views Colors
30.08.2004  Losrandir Sadik vs Losrandir  Sadik 0.702413 
30.08.2004  Calth Rematch with Calth...[DAMN LADY LUCK!]  Losrandir 0.772244 
30.08.2004  Calth Duel with Calth  Losrandir 0.842257 
10.08.2004  Losrandir Zub tells you 'arena?'  Zub 0.702439 
05.08.2004  Vanion Tormega Golemer Amicus Haohmaru(Amit) claims he cannot be killed. Then again, he's a compulsive liar.  Amit 0.182114 
05.08.2004  Gogeta Danimoth Gogeta, Danimoth, and a Skeletal Warrior make mince-meat of Kikoho(Vanden almost dies first, though)  Kikoho 0.352176 
27.06.2004  "Ashin takes on Jedite( who gets back-up from Leio, Blanit, and... Sassy?! )" ...... or, "Why mud-wide restores should not affect people engaged in PK."  0.002349 
27.06.2004  Ashin Ashin vs Sesshoumaru ( last half of duel )  Toram 0.702125 
27.06.2004  Ashin Hendryl Jorran ( Old! ) Hendryl/Bahamut (RIP), Ashin, and Jorran gangbang Draith  Draith 0.232370 
27.06.2004  Tsernomor, Champion of Tak, escapes from Klael's trap in a no-exit isolated room(end of fight)  0.002378 
27.06.2004  Vello Vello hunts Wadas down and avoids getting ganged ( smokebomb is too slow to escape being hunted with, use flee )  Wadas 0.702216 
27.06.2004  Zefiris Zefiris vs Serge ( why does amnesia hit through anti-magic? )  Serge 0.702233 
27.06.2004  Vortimer Vortimer and Zefiris in Serdyn  Zefiris 2.632155 
26.06.2004  Shaq Shaq murders Zefiris at Gallows after Zef's slow start ( 67%, zefiris, not 40% )  Zefiris 2.792065 
26.06.2004  Zefiris Zefiris vs Tekk ( not really sure what Tekk was trying to do )  Tekk 0.702154 
26.06.2004  Shiva Cirindius takes down Zefiris - but not in the grandest of fashions ; )  Zefiris 2.822113 
26.06.2004  Zefiris Zefiris vs Saitoh ( or, why people who don't know how to use suffering should be murdered )  Saitoh 0.702168 
26.06.2004  Ashin Iggy vs Sesohin , Round Two: Ses Strikes Back  Iggy 3.052268 
26.06.2004  Iggy Iggy vs Sesohin , Round One: Painful Grudges  Ashin 4.232136 
26.06.2004  Vanion Klael vs Kazuya  Kazuya 0.702308 
26.06.2004  Viktor Viktor vs Kalinophe  Kalinophe 0.702150 
26.06.2004  Zefiris Surma Zefiris and Surma tag-team Vanion in the University  Vanion 2.582260 
26.06.2004  Vanion Ashin Silvanoth Massive Prize Arena War! (Klael, Ashin, Silvanoth) vs (Amadeus, Erkki, Nipoet, Picaro, Sigma, Zefiris) ......... who will get the prize jelly bean?!  Nipoet Amadeus Erkki Zefiris Sigma Picaro 8.402556 
26.06.2004  Tormega one of the slowest duels EVER ( Tormega vs Moidart )  Anharat 2.332195 
26.06.2004  Vanion Klael tackles Mantrin and escapes the pain of an incoming gangbang  Mantrin 0.702189 
26.06.2004  Anharat Tormega Golemer The Name of the Game is: ( trap Vello and gangbang him, apparently? : x ) .... or, ( why in God's name did Vello scourge? )  Vello 0.232196 
26.06.2004  Anharat Tormega A fused Moidart/Tormega in action against a poor lil' unspelled, atheist Gogeta.... ouch :-/  Gogeta 0.352186 
24.06.2004  Vanion tail end of Klael killing Anharat in the Void  Anharat 2.272263 
24.06.2004  Ashin Ashin versus Kargon and Rydrics ( HUGE comeback at the end, yay limit breakers and final strike! )  Rydrics 0.702196 
24.06.2004  Vanion Anharat Piotr and Anharat versus the World  Lukas 0.352417 
24.06.2004  Toram and Ashin chase off a large group of PKers at Gallow Hill  0.002238 
24.06.2004  Ashin Ashin vs Lagia  Lagia 0.702210 
24.06.2004  Vanion (Oldschool!!) great duel between Piotr and Ashin with some commentary from Piotr  Ashin 2.342248 
23.06.2004  Vanion Klael vs Viktor (why people should use thundershock to counter circles)  Viktor 0.702171 
23.06.2004  Ashin Ashin vs Solinari  Solinari 0.702489 
23.06.2004  Welcome to Deathlogs - By Espen Austad  0.002069 
Titles shown in italics are "alternative" logs, that means they do not count in Highscore Hosted by
Reinos de Leyenda Originaly created by
Espen Solbu