Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by:
Tale 35 told by Taniwha on 28.11.2000
Recruits needed!

Lieutentant Vaughn, of the Stormfront Guard and just an all-around good
fellow, was in here the other day.  He posted something outside there and
wanted this passed along:

        "Are you a fighter or a paladin in search of adventure?  Would you
        like to help keep the streets of Stormfront clean of all the scum
        and degradation that invades our peaceful town?  Then you will want
        to come down to the recruiting office of the Stormfront Guards in
        Hoerk.  There I will personally show you how to make the most of
        your life!  In the Stormfront Guard you will learn what it takes to
        be all that you can be.  We are really only interested in humans but
        I may have an assignment or two for some others.  Also if you are a
        elf or a dwarf we may hire you but you will have to prove yourself."

        Also for you non-fighter types:

        "Word is out that Rakmar has sent a spy to the city of Stormfront
        and I am personally offering a large reward for his capture, dead or
        alive.  Come see me in my office in the Stormfront Guard for more
        details.  Especially you assassin types."

        Lt. Vaughn, Stormfront Guard Recruiter
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