Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 112 told by Bishop on 28.11.2000
Gods, dragons, and poor, poor messengers

Gods don't take well to bad news.  You should hear
of this messenger who had the unfortunate duty of
serving the god of Hokemj.  You may argue that
Hokemj is quite the good, calm god, but let me
tell you, I've seen his temper tantrums more than
once.  I don't know what news it was, but the
messenger read from a sheet of paper and before
he was finished his head was rolling down the
hallway!  The magical blast that killed the poor
devil had a strange side-effect on the note he
was reading from.  The note floated down from the
heavens, and did not go unnoticed.  In fact, the
battle that ensued rivals any previous battle in
the history of the realms.  Battle lords, generals,
adventurers, even dragons rushed to grab the 
strangely enchanted piece of paper.  I watched from
above, counting the corpses which formed a perfect
ring around the oblivious note.  In the end, the
carnage was so deep, you couldn't walk to the note,
you either had to dig, or fly.  Turns out this massive
dragon of fire landed on one side and a shimmering
golden dragon landed on the other.  The fire dragon
remained unmatched in his battle skills and turned
to grab the note, however it had vanished.  I laughed
as I heard the poor lizard's screams of "I'll get you
water worm!"  Not sure where that note is now, I lost
interest, but was an interesting twist of fate.  As
for what the note actually DOES, I'd say nothing, but
the greatest magical blast ever did enchant it...
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