Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 115 told by Alur on 28.11.2000
The selfish priestess

There were rumours buzzing inside Banefall the other day
that told about a priestess named Jahael who stole a recently
discovered scroll from the academy library. The scroll hadn't
even been copied yet, and people believe that she wanted to keep
the knowlendge all to herself.
She was spotted sneaking out of the city at night, and she never
returned. Who knows if she died in the tunnels or if she's still
living out there somewhere. Another funny thing is that the drow
patrolling guards reported about an unusually high aggressiveness
among the creatures in the Underdark some time after this incident.
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