Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 143 told by Bishop on 27.09.2001

A heavily clothed form huddled into the dirty bar.  It didn't seem
to mind the stinking retch on the floor or the dirty mug he drank
from.  He casually sidestepped the bar brawlers and place himself
dead in front of the fireplace.  I brought him many a bowls of
steaming hot porridge, which he wolfed down like a man possessed.
The man was actually an elf, I saw later, nearly frozen to death
even though it is mid-summer here.  He never stopped shivering
as he mumbled over and over... the glow.. the glow..
Looked like the man had just dug through a glacier, so I didn't
press for more information.  Just sat back, watching him thaw
and mutter.  As he left he mentioned he must send word back to
Unicorn Cove...
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