Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 15 told by Taniwha on 28.11.2000
Me pappie told me...

Heres a tale for you, as told to me by Raxx Ironaxe: 

" When me pappie was still growing in his beard, he lived in a dwarven
outpost known as Deepforge.  Great dwarven mine.  Ahhhh, the stone there was
sound with veins of gold and silver aplenty.  Then them darn, pig-snouted
black- hearted bastard Orcs started showing up, drawn to the piles of wealth
me pappie and his clans were massing.  Many great, long battles were
engaged.  The orcs were too many, the dwarves were too few.  Me pappie's
clan was driven off."

"    Well, then dumb orcs, me pappie discovered when he ventured back, older
and with some heavily armed dwarves backing him, seem to have dug too deep
into the earth and discovered Hell itself.  Once proud Dwarf buildings lay
in rubble, scorched and blackened.  The heat was unbearable. Me pappie told
me them dumb orcs were babbling about a 'Fire God' and other such non-sense
as me pappie lopped their heads off.  All the wealth once there was gone. 
Perhaps the 'Fire God' has it.  I tell ye me pappie didnt stick around long
enough to discover.  He did kill a few of them there orc bastards."

"    Me, I tell ye, I wonder what happened there.  I am a stubborned dwarf. 
Perhaps ye might see me wandering them blasted drow infested tunnels of the
Underdark.  I will find out what happen to that wealth that is rightfully
mine!  Stop by, we might share a word or two..... anything to find out what
happened to my families fortunes.  Anything to get revenge on them *spit*
orcs.  Till then, may Hokemj guide ye."
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