Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 174 told by Driadan on 300103
Merchants' tricks

Here I am, having a beer while staring at this old and once rusty
sword I got during one of my adventures. And I say "once rusty"
because it isn't any more. Just a snap of his fingers. That is
what Kheldar did before telling me to go visit a smither. So I
did... and look at this. My sword shines more than ever!
Nice trick, I must admit it.

He left muttering something about an old wizthief he sent to
fullfill some deed years ago. I wonder what that was about.
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Espen Solbu