Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 22 told by Taniwha on 28.11.2000
Terror in the Marsh

Now see, I was in the dungeons. I hadn't done much, just killed a guard or
two... but you know how those Stormfront people overreact to everything.
Anyways, I was there, see... and the guards brought in this crazy guy. They
threw him in the cell right next to me, and went on about their business...
I swear, these guys must have a special grant from the "Keep Stormfront
Beautiful" committee, the way they snatch up any undesirable and throw him
in the dungeon, whether he's committed a crime or not. So I'm talking to
this guy, as much as you can talk to any crazy guy... and he isn't too
coherent, but from what I can figure... there's something pretty evil out
there in the marshes of Belaern. Whatever this guy saw, or heard, just threw
him over the edge. If I was going to go see, I'd take a bunch of friends
with me and make sure we covered all the bases, skill-wise... Because you
never know what kind of stuff you'll run into when you're faced with the
kind of evil this lunatic was babbling about. I wonder if he's still in the
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