Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 31 told by Taniwha on 28.11.2000
A Warning, and a Promise

This was paid for by Cailet some time ago, it sounded exciting
then, and although the time has passed it's worth hearing.

"   A wish is hereby offered to the first who can learn Hoerk's history. 
Learn it, and meet me at the Tower of Attrition.  If you can answer my
questions you shall have one wish. BUT you best be warned, there are dangers
along the way the likes of which none have ever seen, places so foul and
evils so pure that you will surely die if you choose to face them.  You will
stand in the very fires of hell, and shall die a thousand times. 
Grixgamorre is a pawn, and Gershim a child before power such as this.  If
you choose to accept this challenge, your entrails will dangle from the
posts of time, and your scattered bones will be crushed like the dry leaves. 
So go, and die.  For that is your fate, and your reward, for greed is your
motivation, and bloodlust your guide.  The world is insane, and nothing is
as it should be, expect the impossible, and pray for death, because it may
very well be your only hope."

Cailet, For The Domain of Hoerk
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