Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 32 told by Taniwha on 28.11.2000
A Dwarves Tale.

There was a Dwarf in here last night, I think he was trying to disprove the
myth that the dwarven folk can hold their drink. Strange fellow, he seemed
to be in some powerful persons service, all his equipment was enchanted and
he had plenty of money. His shield had a polychrome dragon on it. 
Enough of that, it was his story that was more interesting.
The Dwarves tale... 

"I were checking the guard posts, last duty afore I took leave. Anyway I
stopped by to say goodbye to Trill and pick up some songs she'd asked me to
drop off with Case. She, Taramath and mistress Sabrina had been checking out
the quality o' last years grape harvest and were chuckling and laughing o'er
some magical creation, a blue ring it were. Trill handed me the scrolls, and
as I left Sabrina smiled, handed me some gold and said:

  "The combined powers of a Wizard a Bard and a Dragon have created
   something that even the Gods said could not be done. While you are on
   leave visit a few bars and make sure the wizards of the realms know of
   Taramath's creation.  We do so enjoy company."

Now I be just a soldier, so I dina know what to make
o' what she said.

Like you wouldn't call Sabrina EVIL, well not
unless you wanted to carry yer lips home in yer
helm, but like all the dragon folk the funny side 
of her jokes can be hard to appreciate."

With that the dwarf staggered back to the bar to carry out the rest of
Sabrina's instructions. The meaning of her words I fathom no more than he.
But I do know that anyone who keeps tangle trees at the bottom of her garden
is no-one to take lightly.
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