Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 39 told by Taniwha on 28.11.2000

A strange man came in here the other day, and had a sad story to tell:

Apparently he had been journeying along east of Daggerford, when he
encountered a half wolf, half man being, that kidnapped him
and took him to a den of some sort...

Anyway, the wolfman meant him no harm, and proceeded to talk to him, to let
himknow why he had snatched this innocent bystander ... Apparently, the
wolfman had once been a human alchemist, who in the process of creating a
potion, accidentally turned himself into the atrocity before him ... He
tried to seek out the ingredients to remedy this mishap, but could not do so
because he was attacked by so many out of fear ... He asked me to find an
alchemist, but I forget where he said this alchemist was, and I have no idea
where to find the wolfman again ...

Then the stranger asked me if I knew anyone that might help, and I said I'd
look into it, and from that point, I have not since seen him.
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