Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 58 told by Taniwha on 28.11.2000
Blind mans bluff

The things you see round here are quite odd now and then, or rather
the things you don't see.
An Orc fighter groped his way into the bar the other day, he seemed totally
blind, and very annoyed. He sat quietly in the corner hitting everyone 
who came near with his white stick and calling them (obscene word deleted)
Sun worshippers.

I have to say, he did quite well, after a while people were buying him
drinks to find out how it had happened. He never said much, just muttered
about so called friends who couldn't take a joke, statues of baldrick and

Interestingly enough he came back a few days later and could see perfectly
Not that that stopped him from muttering, hitting people with his white
stick and calling them rude names, but all in all he seemed in a better

We asked him what has happened, and all he's say was that being blind
enhances your senses, and every curse has a cure. He sounded almost 
elvish, but everyone put that down to his recent humbling experience.
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