Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 73 told by Raisa on 28.11.2000
Cold comfort

Taniwha was in here the other day,  quaffing hot spiced wine like 
there was no tomorrow. 
(Quaffing, thats like drinking, but you spill more).
Quite a few people sort of slunk out when he arrived and the cloud of
ice crystals that blew in with him provided good cover. 
I don't know why they bothered really, he isn't really a vengeful
sort of God. Now Grimbrand, there's a god who can REALLY hold a grudge.

He wasn't in a good mood that day, and although I hoped for a good story,
all I managed to get out of him was a few free drinks and some mutterings 
about having created a totally new spell, one even Baldrick swore couldn't 
be created and then misplacing it somewhere. 
Apparently he'd come in here for a  drink after giving up trying to 
find it again.
He did comment that anyone who found it has better keep quiet about it
as Baldrick was touchy about being proved wrong.
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