Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 85 told by Ania on 28.11.2000
weak males!

Mangar came in the other day, grumpy and gruffly as
ever.  Perhaps he was in an extra bad mood this day, as 
he poured down ale after ale as if it was elven blood.
Another priestess attending the complex whispered
to me that Mangars house was losing slaves frequently, and that
the Matron Mother was furious over the idleness displayed
by her son.  After the look of Mangars harsh face and insulted
look I guess the Matron Mother gave him a lesson today. 

Bah, she's getting weak...should have taught him that lesson a 
long time ago.  Rumours tell that some of the slaves was seen
in a sideways tunnel near the surface, but why bother to tell them?
Just let them whack the males, it's more of the 
escaped slaves were said to be exceptional..but hell, a slave is a slave.
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