Current MUD: Final Realms Number of logs: 5178 Number of players: 6013 Moderated by: Vlegar Gnav Jalandhara Artmas Zilar
Tale 88 told by Taniwha on 28.11.2000
Some people have no respect ...

I don't actually MIND deities drinking here, not as such.
Well, noone does really, not to speak off, unless they like
waking up on a lilly pad the next day. But really, things have
gone a bit far.

Taniwha staggered up here the other day and threw a heap of cloaks
over me like I was a clock rack. He'd been trying to outdrink 
Armageddon and I think they'd got to the falling down stage.

That was bad enough, but 5 minutes later he staggered back up and
grabbed one particularly heavy cloak, then staggered back downstairs...
The sound of heavy godlike vomitting followed soon after.

There was silence for a while after that, I THINK everyone had
passed out. I wouldn't have minded too much being used like a cloak
rack, but when Taniwha left he shook off the cloak he was wearing
up here and looked spotless afterwards, more than I could say for me.

He did appologize a day or so later and muttered something about
me being at least well protected from any fallout while I was
minding his cloaks.

Since he didn't even clean up that evening I wish I HAD been able to
burn his darned cloaks..... (Don't tell anyone, but I tried.)
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